23 July 2010

The Occasional Biscuit: A Song for Rafa

Continuing our whenever-the-hell-we-remember-it series in which we celebrate (or fabricate) vague sporting references in Half Man Half Biscuit songs as a completely transparent way to get them onto the blog.

Of course, the smart thing would have been to post this between when Rafael Benítez was mutually sacked by Liverpool and the day he signed up to become the interista Oscar Tabárez. Still, given his inevitable fate down San Siro way, it strikes an appropriately doomy note, especially if you listen right to the end. You will return to this page in several months time and marvel at my foresight. And it comes from an album called This Leaden Pall! What more could you want? This is 'Turned Up Clocked On Laid Off'.


  1. "Mutually sacked" sounds vaguely disgusting, doesn't it?

  2. I always thought "mutually concented" was dirtier.
    Google it and you'll see why.
