21 March 2010

No, Father, you can't have an award

Exciting news in the world of me-being-fabulous: Sport Is A TV Show has been nominated for an Irish Blog Award. Specifically, we are a finalist in the Boards.ie-sponsored Best Sport and Recreation Blog category, where we will be being uncomfortably polite to Back Page Football, Arseblog, Green and Red, and Irish Peloton.

Cheers to the folks behind the awards for seeing fit to include SIATVS amongst this fine group. Enjoy the shindig if you're attending. I'm unlikely to be able to myself, but if I win, perhaps we could have one of those pre-recorded videos of me being presented the award by ... I dunno, that Gilson one, or someone who used to be in Six or something.

I'd just like to say, from the bottom of my heart, a big, big "thank you" to SIATVS's wonderful guest contributors, my mam and dad, my agent, my pet marmoset, all that crap. Without you, blah blah. All sycophantic praise may be left with my valet, who will inform me of such at my majestic convenience.


  1. !!snoitalutargnoC

    (Hoping your valet can hold up a printout so you can read this in the mirror.)

    Is there a way for us to vote/bribe/intimidate on your behalf?

  2. (I heard there's a conspiracy, shh...don't tell him)

  3. Fredorrarci's valet says:

    As far as master knows, it's judged by an esteemed academy of some kind. Or perhaps by means of conspiracy. Information is as yet scant about the shadowy band responsible for this occasion, but it seems the outcome is beyond the influence of outsiders.
